

Does anyone know how to get an anenome to stay planted were you want? I have a pink tip that I cant get to stay planted its like he is attracted to my tube ananome and he swims over and they sting each other.


Active Member
There is pretty much no way to make them stay put. I have had luck though , placing them where you want them and feeding them right away and if they stay continue to feed them regularly.What kind of lighting do you have ??Maybe , it is looking for a better light spot.


I have 3 3ft double bulb 50/50's and a new bulb someone gave me its 2 foot and it gives off like a blue spectrum kind of. and I also have a 72in moonstrip but thats only on at night. any thoughts?


Active Member
Could be looking for better light, less flow etc...If you figure this out though, it should be a sticky...


Its a 125gal my rock is placed the best I can but there is really know way to get it closer to the top unless I buy more rock. Because I dont want to move my old rock cause there is a zebra dwarf lion, a snowflake eel and a toadfish somewhere in my rocks.


Has anyone heard of a pink tip being attracted to a tube anenome or any anenomes being attracted to a tube because this has happened to me twice an anenome will just like wander over ther and get on top of the tube and they will be stinging each other and i can tell because the tentacles from both will be shriveled


Pink tips are known to be movers.
Luckily mine has one large rock that it stays on and moves all over it.
The rock has a hole/cave in it. It will even plant itself inside the hole and let it's tentacles flow out.
It might be lighting, but on the other hand they are just naturally movers.