Angel Pics!


Active Member
Majestic's are great. I have one and besides being a bit on the nashful side, he's great.
How long has your brother had the regal? I understand they are sensitive and have been known to be difficult to keep. Quite a beaut!
Thanks for sharing. Wish I knew how to post pics.


He has had the Regal for 2 weeks and 3 days. The jury is still out on that one.
He hasn't been eating much....


Thanks for the compliments - I just got a new Sony digital camera that I really like but still trying to figure out how to get the best shots.
Interesting story on the Regal - my bro ordered a Red Sea and they sent a Pacific - so he kept it anyway and it adapted really well and eats great. It is about 3 inches. About 3 months later the same vendor sends a Red Sea Regal at about 5-6 inches!
So after quarantining it we said what the hell and stuck it in there with the other one - they get along great but the "hardier" Red Sea version is really finicky as far as eating. It took him about two weeks to at least eat some macroalgae.
He must be supplementing his diet picking at the LR cause he really hasn't lost any girth. Hopefully he makes it...
One more for fun
Here's the angel that I want for my tank when i get it all set up. I used to think it was ugly from some really bad pictures I saw of it on the net, but then my boss got one in, and in real, it's SO beautiful!


Well I hope too many people don't get the idea that mixing angels is a good idea - it has nothing to do with nasty attitudes - these are simply fish that need space - I am dreaming of my 2000 gallon tank where I will have a bunch of different angels.
Plus its nice to see constructive posts like this!
this pic kinda sucks but here is the reason I got rid of my gray angel!
Hey DPittman how hardy is your majestic and are they as shy as the books say they are. I was thinking about getting one in the near future just want to know if it's a good idea or not.


Active Member
Bo, I hope you were whispering when you typed that. ;) No it hasn't...yet and I sure hope that keeps up. I've had it about 5 months now I keep the cb, tang and sixline busy chasing and nipping at a sqaure of nori every day.


they are a little shy at first - but not as timid as all the books say. He adapted real well and eats everything. They don't get really big either so they are a good choice for a smaller tank.


Your angel looks great. I wish I could get one of those, but I already committed to an emperor. Looks Great!