Angel Question

steve kim

New Member
My friend has
Emperor Angel, Blue Face Angel, Majestic Angel, Blue Regal tang,
Purple Tang, Blue Jaw Trigger, 2 wrasse, Mandarin goby in
his 150 Gallon fish only tank I am thinking about getting
Majestic Angel for my 90 gallon tank which Emperor Angel
is already in there I like to take out a Blue Regal tang and but
him in there
IMO your friend is way overstocked!
Also, I think a 90 is too small for either large angel and certainly too small for both. If the space didn't kill them, they would most likely kill each other.


Your friend is going to have some expensive dead fish in his tank pretty soon........So will you if you try to keep a large angel in a 90g.....Don't do it and try looking for a new home for your emperor


Active Member
Your friend is way over the edge. In fact it obviously shows that he didn't do any reading or choose to ignore the advise. It's basically irresponsible .
You on the other hand are asking for advise....please don't do it. Don't know how big your emperor is but you will have to move him eventually. I had one for three over 3 years until an additive killed it. Long story on another post. If he's already an adult , you need to get a bigger tank or sell him. E-mail me if interested in selling.


I have an Emporator and a Navarcus in a 450 gal tank and the emperator is definately in charge even in a tank as large as mine.