angel with spots


my angel has ich and has been getting better starting today. about 2 minutes ago i noticed that he has a few lighter colored spots on his black stripes. is this a disease or is he just changing into an adult?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Griffin
my angel has ich and has been getting better starting today. about 2 minutes ago i noticed that he has a few lighter colored spots on his black stripes. is this a disease or is he just changing into an adult?
Could be other things...angels sometimes get "fright" spots from stress. What kind of angel do you have? Size set-up? Diet? Size of the fish? Filtration? Water parameters? Are you sure it was ich?


well he hsa ich and the lighter colored spots of skin. he is an emperor and is in my 125 with a niger trigger. i have a powerhead and a wet/dry filter.


Active Member
Can you post a pic. It could be a couple things. He could be changing to adult clors or it could be fright spots. When these angels get stressed they will often show bleached out areas. Since he is battling ich it could be fright spots. Could also be poor water qualtiy. Test your parameters to make sure they are within acceptable limits.
large angels do better in systems with plenty live rock, good water quality and a good protein skimmer.
It would help if you post a pic.


right now it is:
I do not have a protein skimmer yet. here are some pictures for you to refer to:



Active Member
It looks like he is beginning to change...but it also liooks like the spots are firight spots ...towards the center part of the body. Still hard to tell with the pics regarding the fright spots.


Active Member
This really has nothing to do with this, but I am curious what you have in that tank with that emperor? Fish wise anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Griffin
the ich got better than worse, its discoloration got worse, and is hiding more often
Looks like he is changing but also I beleive he has some "fright" spots usually caused by stress and/or disease.
Poor water quality can also cause the fright spots. How is the ich and how are you treating the disease?
Test your water parameters in order to determine if you have a water quality issue which can also cause a disease issue if present in your system.
He is not happy or feeling well if he is hiding more than usual. Also, make sure none of your other fish are picking on him.


well first of all, he is dead now. he was with a niger trigger. and on the day he died i made a hospital tank and was gonna copper treat him.