angel with wound?


New Member
Hi there,
I received a coral beauty angel about three weeks ago. Within a few days the lips of the angel turned white, and about a week later they turned back. I did several water changes of 20% or more during that time in case it was a water issue. As of last week a white patch appeared on the upper left side of the body - above the lateral line, but not on the dorsal fin itself. It almost looked like a few scales were flaking off - it wasn't a fuzzy white. Well, the white is gone now, but there does seem to be an open sore there now.
The fish appears to be in no discomfort and is eating very well. My nitrates may be a little higher than I'd like, but not extremely high, everything else is good. Thoughts?
I wondered if it had been attacked by another fish, but in my observations the angel seems to get along with everyone. Could it be caused by the sting of an anenome?