Angelfish Compatibility


Anyone ever keep a flame angelfish in the same aquarium as a flagfin angelfish?
I currently have a flame and would love to try a flagfin. Any suggestion are welcome.


Active Member
There shouldn't be major problems. The two are from different genera, and the flagfin will dwarf the flame in size. I've kept centropyges with large angels before. Other than some occassional pushiness, they shouldn't bother each other.


Thanks for the input.
I am going to try a medium sized flagfin around 4-5 inches. This way it will be bigger than the flame. I guess I will see what happens. If not then a friend of mine said he would take the flagfin.
I hope it works out. They are both beautiful fish in my opinion.
tank is 75g


New Member
It should work provided that your tank is big enough! As stated earlier they are from different genera so they should get along alright. Just keep an eye out for any harassment from the larger flagfin! Whats the tak size and what are the other inhabitatants?


Your tank is probably too small for the long run as flagfins get stressed easily. It is probably not too good.