
New Member
Not sure how to start, so just going to dive in. My stock list included a queen angel, emperor angel, 2 pecula clowns, 3 pajama cardinals, 5 blue damsels, a foxface, marine betta, small colony of star polys, and zoanthids. About a month ago i started noticing my queen angel and emperor were swimming funny. Shortly after my queen had, what looked to be, pieces of its slime coat hanging off its scales and the scales on my emperor were turning white. It was not ich, however, but literally its whole body was starting to turn white. A few days later they were both dead. So, even though i figured it wasnt ich, i treated for ich then did melafix treatment, 25% WC, followed by slowly decreasing my vodka dosing and followed that with a 50% water change. So, at this point, i was back to square one. Introduced a juv. blueface angel to my tank. Everything was fine for a week, then its scales started turning white also and a couple days later it was gone. Started getting curious, waited a week, then introduced a majestic angelfish into my tank. AGAIN, fine for a week, then started turning white, few days later it was gone. Now, during all this BS my other fish were/are perfectly fine and dont seem to be effected by whatever it is that is killing my angels. This is leading me to believe that its specific to the species? The emperor and queen were purchased from different suppliers than the majestic and the blueface, so it has to be in my water. Please help.

mr. limpid

Active Member
It sounds like, Brooklynella, this common among clown fish. Go to Beth's threads at the top of this forum to get cure. Also you need to start up a Quaratine tank, or this will never stop.