Angelfish treatment


I have a coral beauty angelfish currently in QT. I have had her for about 2 1/2 weeks. She looks like she has a fungal growth on her back half of her body towards the rear tail. It is a little red also. SHe is eating and swimming fine. Do you think it is a fungal infection? She had a bum fin with a white dot on her and I am currently using MelaFix (as recommended by my LFS) and the dot is gone and she is using her fin more and more everyday. What can I do about the clear, scaley growth on her?


Active Member
Any chance of getting a picture? I'm having a hard time picturing this. First of all, fungal infections are rare in marine aquaria. It probably isn't that. Perhaps a better description of the growth in front of her tail?
I would be wondering about local trauma from the stress of being netted and transported to your tank. This can cause sores and a few spots on the fins.
When I hear about fin destruction (usually caused by bacterial infections) I worry about water quality. Can you post your water readings? How old is your tank? Sometimes a large water change with preaged seawater will go a long way to fix problems early.
Is the fish in a QT? This is a good habit to get started with. If medications are necessary, it is best not to treat in the display tank.
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