

So ive been wondering, most of the angelfish might nip at large polyped stony corals and tridancid clam mantles, and that is may also eat some soft corals polyps and nip at zoanthids. Just wondering how many people have angels in their reef tanks, cause I really want one


Active Member
I, and a lot of other people, have a dwarf angel in a reef. The large angels are almost certain to nip though, except for a few that are safe like Lamarcks Angel.


Active Member
But every fish is different. Some will not even look at and the other of the same species will nip like crazy.


Active Member
I doubt there will be any problem with the dwarf species. Especially once they start associating you as there food source and they are fed enough.
If the tank is set up so that there is appropriate nutrient export via various means there should be no problem feeding once or twice a day which means no hungry angel fish with a mind to start in on your corals.


I have a Japanese Swallowtail Angel in my reef tank. They get about 5-7 inches and should be in a 55 of bigger. I have had mine for about 3 months and not a one nip at anything. She tried to pick on my clowns but they would have none of that....

I was going to post a picture but can't get one of the bugger. Just google search it and it will come up.....


Going to set up a 150 gallon reef tank here soon. The angel I want to put in is a Fisheri Angelfish, its on this site. What do you think. Also Can I put a bunch of different wrasse in 1 tank? I know you can only have 1 Angel, and 1 tang most of the time, but what about gobbies and so on?


Active Member
I have a Coral Beauty and a Lemonpeel in my 65 reef and they never fight nor nip on any corals.


A lot of people seem to have good luck with dwarf angels (Centropyge). I currently have a coral beauty that doesn't bother anything in the tank. I had a vermiculated angel prior to the melt down in my tank (36 hr power outage last winter). It didn't take any food of any kind that I offered him for two weeks. He stayed nice and plump by feasting on some sort of tube worms with two tenticles that I had quite a population of (he'd rip the tenticles right out of the tube). After about 2 weeks, he started to eat anything and everything I offered him. He never bothered anything else in the tank (although I never did get a huge population of those worms again until after I lost him).


New Member
As like everyone else i have had mixed luck with the angels. I have a coral beauty in one reef and not one problem. It is in with lps and softies and clams. I had a golden angel in another reef and it developed a taste for cynarinas and scolymias and was removed. I have a bellus angel in one with no problems whatsoever . I have had a lemonpeel take to favias in another reef. Lastly i had a red sea regal in a large reef which took all foods offered but developed a taste for zoos and my micromussas and acan lords. He knew exactly what to destroy. I have seen all the above mentioned in others reefs with different results. I can say a bellus or a jap swallowtail or a watanabea (sp) would be the best choices. Good luck!


I have a midnight black angel in my tank with a sailfin tang,sixline wrasse, domino,yellow tail, and bluse damsel, sleeper goby,scooter blenny,tomato clown, crabs,soft corals (mushrooms,rose,finger,zoo's),stoney corals(fox,bubble,candy cane,frog spawn), anenome's, feather dusters. When I first put him in he nipped at just about everything, but stopped after I started feeding him something everyday. I can say one really good thing about hime is that I had an infestation of sponge in my tank untill he went to work on them. Now he is best freinds with my sailfin tang. It is comical to watch them together. :hilarious