angels in a 180


can you put more than one angel in a large tank i am in the process of building my 180 tank and dont wont any problems would like to have a variety of fish including tangs ,angels, puffer,lion fish maybe a eel trying to get as much info and other peoples ideas and experience with folr tanks


Active Member
you could probably get away with 2 dwarfs, or 1 large and 1 dwarf, not really sure about 2 larges.


whats a good rule on how to figure out how many fish to have in a tank with out over crowding or cause to much bioload


Active Member
Originally Posted by autotech
whats a good rule on how to figure out how many fish to have in a tank with out over crowding or cause to much bioload
Try not to focus so much on the unwritten "rules of thumb/inches per gallon" advice floating around. Rather look at the fish you're interested in and research compatability, adult size, temperament, diet, etc.. If you want to keep a group of large active fish, then obviously you'll have to settle with fewer fish than if you wanted a mix, or a tank with multiple small species.
In a 180, I would stick with one large angel. They are territorial and pushy. One of the smaller zebrasoma tangs (yellow,scopas), and perhaps a hepatus (hippo tang). These would make up your "community" fish. You mention a lion eel and puffer. All nice fish but they all grow large and will put a real strain on your filtration. I also think you're tank will be way overdone adding all of these, and you really have given up most inverts with the lion and puffer.
IMO, an angel, puffer, eel, one tang, and a volitans lion would more than fill your tank, and again, think ADULT sizes!!
For comparison sake, in my 120 FOWLR, I have a majestic angel, blackback butterfly, a pair of clowns and a soon to be added fairy wrasse. Everyone has their own space, and the stress level remains low. I could pack more fish in there but why? These are closed systems and fish need space.