Angels in the same tank


New Member
I would like to add a large Maculosous Angel in my 125g FOWLR tank. Currently, the tank has only a medium Majestic Angel. Has anyone successfully keep these two angels together? All response are appreciated.


I would advise against it as well, although partially due to size but even more due to temperment-big angels like that most likely will fight something fierce, they, imo, should be kept individually regardless of tank size or their size.
Good Luck


Large angels are hard to mix, but I know a ancient ninja secret... that works! :D See do you have lr, base rock or other places for fish to establish territory. You should get a lot of live rock, base rock, etc. Now when you add the angel if fighting happens turn off the lights (to reduce stress) and rearrange the rocks, so your majestic that is the more dominant one that knows all of the great spots for ambushing retreating, and it is his territory wont have it anymore. So now you have two angels that have no territory and will make a territory that they have to split. See when you add the maculosus the majestic would see it as an intruder and attack it, which could lead to stress which could lead to disease which could lead to death. But don't worry maculosus are tough angels and hardy. Good Luck!


I would advise against it as well. Your tank just isn't big enough. I do think it is do-able you just need a BIG fish tank. My tank is 240gallons and when I tried it with a queen and a gray it was a disaster. The gray tore the queen up. I have a majestic as well and they are relatively peaceful and shy for angels. I think a big map angel would come in and kill that beautiful majestic.


say no to large angels :)
if you like to have more then 1 angels in the 125 G tank, get Dwarf angels