Angels People. Need your help asap.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Please help me out with this. I have had the fish for over a month now in my QT set up. I had a flame angel that just passed from pop eye. I was medicating for it. Is this the start of it? Its just getting a little hazey. Not fully clouded over. What can I do? What medication? This fish dies Im out of this hobby.



I don't have any experience with pop eye. Just wanted to say sorry about your flame angel dying.


What is your water quality/parameters?...looks like that angel has the begginings of HLLE and popeye...both can be from bad water quality.

crypt keeper

Active Member
The water temp was a little high. It was at 80. Trites are at .10 Trates are at 0 Ammonia is at zero. I just did a water change. I do one ever few days.
I use that Sea chem pure saltwater for my changes. Almost 5 gallons at a time. I just changed out 5 more gallons.
What is HLLE? How can you tell that is starting? He is still eating like a champ.
Edit. Trates 10ppm Trites are at 0 and have been the entire time the fish has been in there. It was a mix up I apologize. I really want to fix my fish. Im being as up front as possible.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
The water temp was a little high. It was at 80. Trites are at .10 Trates are at 0 Ammonia is at zero. I just did a water change. I do one ever few days.
If you have trites and no trates this tank has not finished cycling. This is very harmful to the fish, and would be my guess of the cause of the two problems need to do daily water changes or whatever it takes to have 0 ammonia and trites...trates are not that much to worry about unless very above 60ppm. You need pristine water quality to correct the issues.


Trites are very bad for fish, even worst than ammonia. They should be at zero in a cycled and healthy tank. That's your problem right there. Do you have another more stable tank to move your angel?

crypt keeper

Active Member
This tank has been up and running for months. It has 1 piece of live rock in it. This fish has been in it for over a month. Im going to test the water and will take pictures of test. be back in 10 minutes. I just did a 5 gallon change will this still be accurate?


Look here for HLLE (head and lateral line erosion)


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
This tank has been up and running for months. It has 1 piece of live rock in it. This fish has been in it for over a month. Im going to test the water and will take pictures of test. be back in 10 minutes. I just did a 5 gallon change will this still be accurate?
Something has caused this tank to is not handling the bioload. What did you have in the tank to keep it cycled when the angel was not in it? I would wait 24 hours after a water change to get an accurate reading. JMHO How big is the tank?

crypt keeper

Active Member
My trites are at 0 still like they have been since I bought the fish. Im testing the ammonia now. Its sitting the recommended 5 minutes.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
Something has caused this tank to is not handling the bioload. What did you have in the tank to keep it cycled when the angel was not in it? I would wait 24 hours after a water change to get an accurate reading. JMHO How big is the tank?
The tank went fishless for a 2 or 3 weeks when I bought my Angel. The fish I had in it before was a Niger trigger. I accidently said my trites were at 1. I just went back and saw what i wrote. I just caused a crap load of confusion and I apologize. I ment to say they are at 0 and my trates are at 1. The tank inst cycling. I have kept many fish in it over the past few months.

crypt keeper

Active Member
This picture was taken a month ago. The same Line can be seen just as good as the pictures taken now. Im pretty sure if it was HLLE it would have progressed.
A month ago

crypt keeper

Active Member
This is CCampbells. You can see the line

As well as Aqua Knights

The line is there and can be seen with no issues. They do not have HLLE and my line can be seen just as well.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
The tank went fishless for a 2 or 3 weeks when I bought my Angel. The fish I had in it before was a Niger trigger. I accidently said my trites were at 1. I just went back and saw what i wrote. I just caused a crap load of confusion and I apologize. I ment to say they are at 0 and my trates are at 1. The tank inst cycling. I have kept many fish in it over the past few months.
Hmm, that makes it a little more tricky then...Not sure what to say aside keep the water pristine and the diet varied with vitamin supplements like vitachem and zoe. Both HLLE and popeye can be overcome with this. If the popeye persists or just starts to look really bad you can use Maracyn II to help.
I mention HLLE because of the missing scales above the eye...not necessarily the line itself.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I just noticed that as well. I will be honest. I dont know what that is from. Its only on that side of his face. I just went and checked. They are missing liked he hit the rock. I do know he is very skiddish and if I come in the room to fast It will Dart behind the rock. I have heard a boink before. The tank is a 30 gallon. That piece of rock is about the size of a volleyball. He is a small fish. Size reference from 3 feet away. The tank is 30 x 12 x 18


Good size qt for it...the only reason I asked was to see how much of the actual tank volume you displaced with the 5 gallon change as far as test reading goes. Best of luck friend.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
so should i just do a water change every two days see what happens?
I would just do regular 10% changes per week unless your tests show that you need to do more to keep the parameters in check. I would test every couple of days though.


Active Member
I agree that there may be a touch of HLLE on this fish, though it's so minimal that the fish shouldn't have any real negative reaction. I say there may be a bit of HLLE because there appears to be a small section or two of missing scales. Could be an abrasion from something or HLLE. On another note, there is generally no reason to treat pop-eye. 99% of the time it will get better within a short amount of time if the water quality is good and it is well fed.
Unless you see some real behavioral problems or the fish is not eating, I probably wouldn't do anything except water changes and good feeding for this fish.


I would also add some large pieces of PVC pipe in there, big enough for the fish to comfortably fit inside. The fish doesn't have enough hiding spots as it is. The PVC might lessen his stress a little.