Angels which one

lions n nd

I am thinking of adding a large angel to my tank lets have some suggestions
I am stuck between a blue face angle or an Annularis
am leaning tward the Annularis
Current inhabitants of my 210
14" V Lion
12" Porky Puffer
7-8" Hippo Tang
6-7" Spotted Grouper
6" Foxface
6" Lunar Wrasse
5" Niger Trigger
5" Achillies Tang
4" Porky Puffer


I recommend the annularis . They are both beautiful fish but annularis angels are more aggresive. I had both and There both shy at first but I reccomend the annularus because you have mainly aggressive tank and the blueface probly would not do to good. good luck choosen.


Active Member
Annularis angels are notorious for contracting bacterial infections, but otherwise a great fish. The blue face angels are better looking IMO, but some are also rather shy. My pick would be an Annularis if you are going to quarantine it properly before adding it to your display.


I would go with annularis. I'd had it for about a week before I had to return it to LFS because it was way too aggressive. I think annularis is considerably hardier than blue face. My LFS once had annularis, and even though all of its tankmates had a bad case of ick and velvet, it showed no sign of disease. I was really amazed. They are also less picky about food. Although not as flashly colorful as blue face, I think annularis is an incredibly gorgeous fish with its own beauty. It is certainly more outgoing than blue face, which is a plus since you do not want your fish to constantly hide, and not let you enjoy its beauty.


I've got a Blue-Face in my 210, but my inhabitants aren't quite as agressive as yours. (you can look at my setup under the thread "210 gallon setup") My Blue-face is quite passive, and took about a month or so before he would come out in the open while I was around. I've had him for almost 3 months now, and he still doesn't hang out in the open water for long. He mostly hangs out behind the LR. I don't know much about the temperment of the Annularis, but from what I've read it seems like they're the bolder of the 2.

mastino mike

I wouldnt add anymore fish to that tank at all. Most of your fish are a descent size now and still growing. I have a 750 and would be concerned if it were me.


New Member
i have had them both and would have to say that in your case thats a tough decession you need to decide if you want the more aggressive of the two (as stated the anularis) if so thats the one for you if not go with the blue face for the more beautiful of the 2 you may also want to considder a queen they are vary pretty as well