

I have a relatively new 360 gal fish only tank(about 6 wks).About 10 fish so far, including a 4 inch asfur angel- he's doing great
I eventuallly want 3 large angels in the tank- I tried a smaller juvenile emperator but the asfur is beating the heck out of him- not sure he'll make it
What should be my strategy for success? Do I need to add bigger angels than the one already in the tank?


Active Member
Your strategy for sucess at this point is to SLOW IT DOWN! 10 fish in 6 weeks is a lot, especially considering your tank is new anyway. I don't think you will have luck keeping three angels in that sized tank, but that is my opinioin.


Everone else in the tank seems fine. I cycled by taking 1/2 of the bioballs out of my 115 gallon reef tank, and have a denitrifier working as well. Levels are zero. There is tons of filtration with two big Iwakis as well as a separate Magdrive 18 just for the protein skimmer/UV loop.
I'm just curious how to get more than one angel to tolerate each other---all at once, one at a time, small then big, etc.
Thanks for any help


Active Member
Regardless of how well the fish are doing now (which I am glad to hear), I would still slow it down and establish enough long-term bacteria to maintain those fish and more.


Active Member
The Asfur is going to be aggressive to nearly any new fish so the best thing IMO is to QT any new addition and then remove the Asfer to the QT for awhile when you place the new fish in the main tank. Select new fish with caution and reserch they behavior also.
An P. imperator is a nice fish but IMO one of the least hardiest of the large angles so selection and QTing is nessecary.
As far as a stratigy goes, I think all at once to spread around and reduce any agression BUT only after time as lion crazz has warned so bio filtration can adjust to load.
Also, tank size here is not a problem but other factors such as natural foods from astablished live rock and proper hideing places for fish to escape to, ect. is important for keeping several large angles.
Good luck


Active Member
Even though you "seeded" your bilological filtration, the larger angels do better in mature systems of at least 6 months...with one year being better.
Emperor angels purchased as juvi's will generally do well provided you provide an appropriate system and diet. Larger angels greater than 5" in length do not adapt to captivity as well. So if you plan on adding larger angels you best select one in the 3-5 inch range.
Asfur angels can be can Emperors. Mine is the "Bull of the Woods".


Probably the only way its happening is if you get 3 angels ALL from different families and add them at the same time, each angel about 1" appart with the most aggressive the smallest and least aggresive the biggest. So you have a Asfur angel(Pomacanthus asfur), so lets say you could add a Queen angel(Holacanthus ciliaris) and a Scribbled angel(Chaetodontoplus duboulayi). Two Pomacanthus species (asfur and emperor) just arnt going to get along, let alone when they are huge.


since this thread is about angels im going to ask would a dwarf lemonpeel angel do good in a 30 gallon tank?? :notsure:


Tank really is too small for 2 large angels to coexist. Best chance of success would be mabe 3" queen and 4"blueface added at the same time. Really would just be luck of the draw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
how about a a juvi queen and a blue face in a 120 ? I'm getting a 220 in a bout a year.
Wait until you get the larger system...plans and situations change.