

I know they say not to put 2 angel fish in the same aquarium..But can I put a dwarf angel maybe the flame angel and a regular size angel..Karen angel.. together in a 125g? And if so would they get along with a golden stripped maroon clown and a Raccoon butterfly?


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
Sure, the 2 angels thing mostly just applies to 2 of the same genus.

i have a flame and a juvi queen in my 135. they get along just fine. no problems at all!!!

mandarin w

I have a cherib and eilibi angel in my 180 together, They started out in my 75 together 4 years ago. and have been together that whole time. Never a problem. In fact they are best buddies, they are always together. Since I combined a few of the tanks I had with the 180, now the two dwarfs reside with the bigger flagfin angle. All three get along great.