

Active Member
Does anyone have any experience with an Angelshark (Squatina squatina ) ? Or does anyone know of a public aquarium that has one?


No but you would think they would do well in a large enough system. Huh, I never thought of that before. They do get pretty big though.


Active Member
Ive heard of people trying to keep them with less than encouraging results. Perhaps the system was too small. Probably this one should be left in the sea.


cincy, angel sharks are as difficult as butterfly rays to keep in captivity. Size isn't the only limiting factor though, they seem to have problems feeding in captivity. As you might know these sharks are ambush predators and seem to have difficulity with just being fed. You might have success if you could find some form of live marine fish that could allow them to act naturally. I know from first hand experience from the aquarium. A Florida wholesaler had an Atlantic angel shark that we had brought in to put on display in our ocean tank. Unfortunately we never had success getting the male to feed in its 15000 gallon qurantine tank. We had to force feed it every other day and still lost the animal. I am not sure about the Pacific varities but I have heard they are a bit more hardy.


Active Member
Matt- So your aquarium has tried one before? I had been told that getting them to eat was the biggest problem with them, although the pacific varieties usually have a little better chance. I have also read that they don't get quite as big. The only concern I have with the Pacific varieties is that they require a little colder conditions like the smoothounds and many other Western Pacific shark species. What temperature did you keep yours at, and do you know the exact species? I know there are like 12 different species of angelsharks in that genus. Any more info would be appreciated.
Anyone know of another aquarium that has tried one or even have/had success with one?


Cincy the shark we tried was a Squatina durmerili. It was about three and a half feet when we got him and was already quite emasiated. Even with the tube feedings we were unable to put any body mass back on the shark. He died after about two weeks. The necrospy showed that the shark was heavily infested with parasitic isopods and had internal gill flukes. Apparently flukes are common on these species of sharks. If you find an angel shark I would recommend checking its gills just to be safe.
Oh yeah, not sure if you read other post but your supplier you mentioned could you be so kind as to see if he can get Atlantic sharp noses. I am hoping to add another to get a small school going and am not sure if I'll get a chance to catch my own. Thanks bud. Matt


Active Member
Thanks for the info Matt. Have you ever done freshwater baths or possibly a formalin bath on a shark to try and get the flukes and parasites off? I have done it a couple times, and could definitely tell it was much more stressful than to most other fish. I am assuming it is because they are semi-isotonic and the freshwater would obviously be extremely unnatural and stressful environment, even for just a couple minutes? Do you think formalin bath mixed with tankwater in a seperate container is a better solution to help get rid of the flukes and parasites? I am assuming that the angel shark you tried was at the wholesaler for a little bit, and that is why it was so emaciated when you received it?


Cincy we tried several treatment methods but were concerned about stressing the shark any more then it already was. Freshwater baths are highly harmful to most shark species, granted there are a few species that can tolerate freshwater for long periods of time but in general most sharks receive more harm then good from hyposalinity treatments. When the decision was made to purchase the shark it was believed the shark was just recently collected but it was later found that the shark was bought by the wholesaler from a hobbyist that bit off more then they could chew. As with most public aquariums New Jersey very rarely ever accepts animals from private collectors. This incident with the angel shark demonstrates why.