will my angler die now that he ate a poisionus fish or will he be ok, i would have never thought he could have fit this fish in his mouth, and will he be able to pass this fish though his system or will he throw it up?
It is possible for the Angler to die, but not from eating a venemous fish.
Anglers will often bite off more than they can chew. They're digestive system is extremely slow, and often times (after eating a fish that's too big), the fish will actually rot inside the Angler before it can be digested. The gasses producded from the rotting will kill the Angler.
...just another reason why Anglers should be kept in species only tanks.
Antennarius maculatus are often priced in the $250 range.
I've never paid less than $45 for any Angler that I've had.
Anyway...back on track, for the thread...
he was 80 plus tax, well i didnt know he would even attempt to eat something that was bigger than he was, well live and learn just hope he pulls though this, i know he ate a clown that was around the same size as him and he didnt die from that, but this fish was bigger. Ill just hope for the best, thanks for the info aw2
My friends store, in Chicago, had a Antennarius coccineus that was aprox. 3" long. Against my advice, they put it in a tank with a few Clowns and a 7" Blue Gudgeon.
2 days later, that Angler ate the Gudgeon....swallowed it and folded it in half, in it's stomach...it was insane. I picked up the Angler and could feel the Gudgeon inside it's stomach.
After trying to digest for over a week, the Angler finally died.
i havent had to feed him yet, he has ate 4 of my fish so far and now i think im going to set up a tank just for him if he passes this fish. i really dont need another tank set up but i hate to have to take him back to the petstore because not only would i lose money but im out 4 fish and most likely he will be there for a long time.