Angler dead Please help diagnose


New Member
On Sunday I purchased a Wartskin Angler. I acclimated him into my 30 gal Qtank. On Monday and Tuesday he ate and everything looked fine. On Wednesday in the morning and early afternoon my wife said he was fine and moving around (as much movement as you could expect from an Angler). Later Wednesday afternoon she found him dead on his side with his mouth fully open. The Qtank has been setup for almost a year now. A Maroon clown and a small dogface puffer have been in the tank for the last 4 months. They were sectioned off from the Angler. All the water parameters are fine. Any thoughts???


Staff member
Unfortunately there is no real way to know on this one. Seems like you did everything right. Sometimes fish just die. And, of course, the highest risk for this happening is when we first get them and bring them home to our tanks. We really have no way of knowing what any fish has gone thru when we get them, or what methods where imployed for capture from the wild.