Angler questions for the Experienced


Active Member
Hey all! Just wanted to know how many people have kept anglers?
I've got bunches of questions....
I've read that the Sargassum only needs a 30g tank despite it's full adult size b/c anglers only "walk," and don't require extensive room to swim. Do we agree/disagree with this? Why?
I was also wondering what kind of aquascaping you all did with your anglers. Did you try to keep things low to the ground? Did you include caves? Has anyone had an angler in a reef situation?
Thanks to all for your help... and posting pix would ROCK, too!!! :jumping:


Active Member
Many species of Angler would do just fine in a 30gal tank. And yes...they "walk", not swim.
I've kept many species with corals such as Hammer Corals, GSP, Mushroom, etc. It is not, however, recommended that you keep them with any corals that have the ability to "sting".
Species only tank is best and they can be kept with snails, hermits, etc.


Active Member
Thanx AW2!! You seem to be a busy reefer these days, I appreciate your taking the time out to answer my questions! :joy:
I didn't realize Anglers could be kept with mobile inverts... I thought they'd just swallow anything not nailed down that would fit in their mouths? If they indeed can be kept with inverts....that would make for a gorgeous reef situation!
Has anyone hand-fed their anglers? Anyone ever been bitten?
If an angler was kept as the only vertibrate/fish in, say, a 30 gallon reef tank, would one still need to use a skimmer - even with all the natural filtration?
and finally (for now, at least), what is the ideal size for a species only angler tank?


Active Member
Hand feeding isnt easy, as they're already finicky and picky eaters. I've been bitten though, by an old Commersons that I had. They dont have much in the way of teeth, since they mainly swallow prey whole, but they'll latch on and be stubborn to let go.
I would definately use a skimmer on an Angler tank. They are very resistant to even slight nitrates and need quite pristine water conditions.
Most Anglers, such as the Wartskin, Painted, Nummifer, etc. can be kept in a 30gal. tank and be just fine. Commersons, however, would need a 90gal. tank as they'll grow to 13" or so (they'll end up about as big as a volleyball).


i beg to differ aw2 they walk for the most part but they definately do swim if they are not surpose to then you tell that to my softball sized frog fish when im feeding the fish in my tank


Active Member
turbonut- yea definitly true! Mine swam like a maniac when food hit the water and he would swim to the other side of the tank, but usely he always walked. It was really funny how he swam


Active Member
It's not common for them to swim.
And actually, when alot of them do swim, it's because they're irritated with something, such as bad water conditions, food in the water (as you stated), etc.


Active Member
how about landscaping? Does one have to keep the substrate pretty clear for them, or can they manuver around rockwork/corals, in and out of caves, etc?


Active Member
he eats like a pig and eats up to double its size and very friendly it put its hand on me everytime i moved something in the tank.. it was a truley awesome fish.. but i got rid of him cuz he was all i culd get..BUT THEY ARE AWESOME just have feeder fish ready for him


Active Member
oooh...creepy...he'd just walk up and hold your hand?? LoL. I'd have loved to have seen that.
C'mon pple...all these folks with anglers and no PIX??? AW2 has an excuse...he's nowhere near his comp. But the rest of you....for SHAME!!!


Active Member
Mimzy...sorry for getting back to this so late.
They're pretty much at home with rockwork in the tank. They'll climb all over it and find places to hide, etc. My purple Commersons used to hide upside down, in caves.
Anyway, here are a few other pics of some of the Anglers I've kept...
Alright, well...I thought I had more pics of the others, but I cant seem to find anything but the pics for the purple Commersons and the Yellow Warty.