Anglers reef safe?


I know they will go after small fish/inverts, but has anyone had any experience with them in a reef?
Drew :)


I bought one and within three days he ate a Clarkii clown almost the same size he was. He'll eat just about everything he can fit in his mouth. It took me a week before I finally got him out of my reef tank. From my trial I would not recomend one for a reef take. Only if you like feeding him expensive thing(LOL).


they could care less about corals, so yes they are reefsafe.....HOWEVER
I would consider them reef limiting. In that they will eat any other moving item they can fit into their cavernous mouth. Consider anyfish equal to or slighty larger than their body as food. Anything that moves will be sytematically eaten. A problem is that many fish will pick on the skin of these fish, since it looks like algae, so i don't what to tell you.
These fish are fantastic for species-only tanks.