Angry And Pissed Off Tang ????


Ok, so I have had my yellow tang for about 2 months now. He has been chill, nice, friendly, yada yada. In the last 2 days he has been swimming around ALL THE TIME with his dorsal fin straight up in the air non stop ?? Take a look at the pic. Ironically enough, looks the same as the pic on the SWF.COM fish for sale area of the site, LOL. Please dont bust me for using the pic

No overtly aggressive behaviors, no signs of him being too dominant.
Anyone want to chime in and give their take ?? Anyone seen this behavior before ??
thanks in advance.


lolz mine does this cos he sees his reflection on one side of the tank, like he will swim normally but when he gets near one side he sees him self and puts his fins all out and tries to show of to the other non existent fish and then once hes done that for a bit he moves on to the other side of the tank until he comes back and does the same thing, lolz maby yours has just discovered his reflection and become established and territorial


Active Member
This is generally a "show" posture. Is he threatened or in competition for space with any other fish? What size tank do you have? As Tara noted, it could simply be a reaction to seeing his reflection in the glass (my Tangs do this a lot).


My powder blue does that whenever it swims by the naso tang. No agression at all, just raises its fin like that, sort of to look tough. The naso doesn't even pay attention to it though.


Active Member
All Tangs can have a nasty streak to them....In my 6 years in the hobby I have kept many different Triggers, Angels, big Wrasses, Puffers and Eels. Hands down the 2 biggest bully's I've kept have been the Achilles Tang I had and the Sohal Tang I currently have. Any new additions you add will likely have to deal with the new boss of your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
All Tangs can have a nasty streak to them....In my 6 years in the hobby I have kept many different Triggers, Angels, big Wrasses, Puffers and Eels. Hands down the 2 biggest bully's I've kept have been the Achilles Tang I had and the Sohal Tang I currently have. Any new additions you add will likely have to deal with the new boss of your tank.
Yeah, I think he's just assuming his new role at the top of the pecking order. IMO, this is normal, very healthy behavior.


Thanks to everyone.
Yeah, he chilled out after a day or so. Sorry for the delay to get back and thank you all.
Regards :)