animone in agressive tank


I have a 90 gal corner tank that is being started as an agressive FOWLR.
I have a huge carpet that has 2 perc. clowns as host ( in my 150 reef). He has been known to eat large fish (12"-14") Naso, and a large foxface. would he be ok in an agressive tank? It will have a SFE, Hawaii blue puffer,lunar wrasse, a lion(not sure witch one yet) and maybe a trigger if I see one I have to have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Greg803
I have a 90 gal corner tank that is being started as an agressive FOWLR.
I have a huge carpet that has 2 perc. clowns as host ( in my 150 reef). He has been known to eat large fish (12"-14") Naso, and a large foxface. would he be ok in an agressive tank? It will have a SFE, Hawaii blue puffer,lunar wrasse, a lion(not sure witch one yet) and maybe a trigger if I see one I have to have.
Are you talking about a 92 corner with: A lion, Trigger, Puffer, and an eel? and worried about a carpet anem.
I dont think the tank would survive long enough to know if the carpet would have made it...Talking about BIG fish in a small tank..


I would have to disagree with you! The lion would be a dwarf, the puffer is a hawaii blue (they dont get large 4" maybe), SFE is a community eel and does not need a lot of room for swimming it stays in rock work or caves, and there are several triggers that are not agressive at all ex.. Niger trigger,blue throat, and the list goes on. what was your comment that based on? Why would the tank not survive?


Active Member
The niger is one of the less agress. Trig. But willl outgrow the tank, sorry about the lion comment most people talk about getting volitains. I have seen snowflakes be very agressive

ray j neal

Bang has a valid point. I have a 150 with a 7" Humu Trigger, 5" Dogface puffer, 8" Volitan and a 13" SFE. In my case if the eel is required to come out and 'hunt' durring feeding he is extremely agressive. If fed with a feeder stick it is alright..usually. The three times I have not been able to target feed him with the stick I have always had an incident with him. First time he came up and bit the Dogface and left two nice marks on him. Second time he bit the same fish right around the eye. Third time he was so fast he shot up and got out of the tank! In that case I scooped him up with a damp towel and lightly rinsed him under the sink and placed him back in the tank. That was a few days ago. We will see how he does durring feeding today. :



I see 3 problems:
1) Anemone needs perfect water quality which isnt going to happen in this crowded aggressive tank (although I personally think you could keep all the fish you want quite comfortably).
2) Anemone needs strong lighting which is expensive for very little gain.
3) Eels are very clumsey and I have heard of and could picture a snowflake accidentally swimming into a large carpet and dying.
In conclusion, doable? forsure. Worth it? probably not.

el bob

anemones dont need perfect water quality. my perception of water quality might be a bit skewed because i keep sps. you can have some nitrates and sustain an anemone. The lighting required for an anemone is not that bad. MH are not necessary...Just do water changes and have a good skimmer and it should survive. Now i dont know about the puffer trying to eat it, they are dumb and anything is possible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by El Bob
anemones dont need perfect water quality. my perception of water quality might be a bit skewed because i keep sps. you can have some nitrates and sustain an anemone. The lighting required for an anemone is not that bad. MH are not necessary...Just do water changes and have a good skimmer and it should survive. Now i dont know about the puffer trying to eat it, they are dumb and anything is possible.

While I agree with some of the above, some I disagree with. I do agree that pristine water is essential however, having nitrates wont preclude you from having an anemone. They are tolerable IME to some variances, at least BTA's and Condi's are.
Lighting is part A of a 2 part system, and should not be talked about in regards to type and or intensity without addressing the tank size and depth. While I believe some species of anemones can live on less than MH lighting others cannot, and depending on tank size and type of lighting your choices for lighting may be limited to the higer intensity lights of MH.