
freaky's reef

New Member
Who has anonomes? What are you feeding? And how long have you had it?
Do you have Clowns and do they go to your Anonome?

tx reef

Active Member
I have a BTA (bubble tip anemone). I feed it 2-175 watts of 10,000k metal halide light supplemented with 2-110 watt VHO super actinics.
My clowns took to it in about a week.


Active Member
3 RBTAs which are all sisters. Had them about 2.5 years or so and I don't directly feed them but they catch watever mysis my dendros miss.
I've also got a new red haddoni carpet anemone. I've just fed it once with a piece of jumbo shrimp since I got it almost a wekk ago.
My pair of black/white ocellaris go into the biggest RBTA, but they're separated from the red carpet.


Active Member
I have had several anemones over the course of my marine tank expirience, I just grow them bigger to resell. I have had several condys (they grow the fastest for me) I do have a rock anemone that I have had for over 2 years. its the only one I'll keep because it has the coolest color of any anemone I have ever seen, and they dont do the round the tank in 80minutes that some anemones are prone to.


Active Member
Red Carpet

Old pic of one of my RBTAs

I don't feed all the anemones for two reasons. 1. I'm not interested in fast growth, and 2. Feeding them takes a toll on water quality. I've got a couple dozen other corals that I feed almost every day so there's not much more room to spare with water quality.


Small Sebae. Feeding it mysis for the moment. I'm probably going to start with Krill or Squid within the next week or so.



I have a Bubble tip also. I bought a Cinnamon Clown at the same time ( about a week ago ) I wasnt sure if the clown would go to the BTA because I had this happen along time ago. So this time when I acclimated the two I put them together during the acclimation process. ( like an arranged marriage ). While I wasnt sure if this was a good idea at the time it seems to have worked better then I expected. The clown very rarely leaves the host.
I feed mine mysis with an eye dropper right now. Just enough to get on his tentacles then the rest goes into the water for the fish. He is still moving around the tank trying to find his spot and the spot he has settled on right now doesnt seem to get much flow. However if he moves to a spot that does I may stop feeding him directly.
One thing I have learned in my short experience with my BTA, is they will definitely test your patience. A few days ago mine completely deflated and I really thought he was a goner. The next morning he was back out in all of his glory. From alot of the threads I have read this is normal but it still was enough to throw me into a small panic.


New Member
Originally Posted by Freaky's Reef
Who has anonomes? What are you feeding? And how long have you had it?
Do you have Clowns and do they go to your Anonome?
I have several anemones in my tank and they stay out of each other's way. I have two curly anemones and no fish go to them, but they seem to make my tank more alive with the way they move in the current. I have one large saddle back carpet anemone which my Sebae clown and two black and white perculas absolutely love. I have a long tentacle which houses my small maroon clown. Finally, I have a Sebae anemone that was bought with the Sebae clown. As far as feedings go, my LT gets two pieces of shrimp about twice a week, my curlies get one piece of shrimp twice a week, my carpet only eats what the clowns bring to him because he will not eat the shrimp pieces, and my Sebae is new so I am still working on his feedings. The LT I have had for over a year, the carpet about 10 to 11 months, the curlies about 2 to 3 months, and the Sebae was bought about 3 weeks ago. All of them are doing well in my 72 gallon bow front with 260 watt PC with moon lights. Like I said, they all have their own little niche and don't bother each other. I do supplement their weekly feedings with frozen brine shrimp and vitamins which are added for all of my inverts. Hope this helped!


i have one curly q in a 20 G, i got it as a hitchiker on a piece of LR, it was about 2-3 in then and after 3 months it is about 10 in!!! it eats anthing it can get ahold of, fish food, mysis shrimp, but has never killed any fish. its my favorite thing in my tank, very fun to watch even tho its kinda ugly, im thinking of trading it in at the lfs for a pink tip haitian annen tho.