Another addition?


I know so many people ask this question but....... I have a 125 gallon tank with some corals and the following fish.....
Yellow tang
Sailfin tang
Flame angel
1 chromis
bi color blenny
clown goby
fire fish
and what the fish store called a clown fairy wrasse
oh yeah and 2 occelaris clowns and one panda clown who are all hosting a BTA!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp and numerous crabs and snails.
So my question is, can I/should I add any more fish? Can I add another kind of fairy wrasse?(I love those guys!) If so what kind? And one more........what fish would you add besides the wrasse? I am looking to add a new addition in a month or two and I just don't know what else to get that would go well with the tank. The fish I have now are all very peaceful and happy. And my tank has been running almost a year.
Thank you so much for the help!!!


Bump I know people hate this question but I really do need some advice. I took my LFS advice and it was WRONG! Thank you for any help!


Active Member
Another fairy wrasse would work, as long it's not a male of the same species. A foxface would be nice as an alternative.