Another Alkalinity question


Ok, right to the point.
55 gallon reef
1.026 salinity
82 deg.
8.4 Ph
450 calc.
trace of amonia
trace of nitrate
0 nitrite
1.5 Alk
I never had a low alk before and can't get it up. (no pun intended) I have purchased red sea success buff. How fast can you raise the alk level without getting into any complications?

kris walker

Active Member
Have there been any changes in your system since the last time you had a good alk? If not, you might consider your test kit has gone south and get the water checked by your lfs. Just my 0.02.


Active Member
When and how much was your last water change ?
What brand of salt mix do you use ?
What do you use to raise your calcium ?
What do you use to maintain your calcium ?
What buffers do you use to stabilize pH ?
What buffers do you use for alkalinity ?
You asked "How fast can you raise the alk level without getting into any complications?"
You do not want to raise or lower any levels in a marine tank too fast.
A little more information would be helpful.


The traces of ammonia may show increased bio activity causing the alk to be used up.
I would also get it double checke before doing anything crazy.


Well as far as the "trace" for amonia goes, everyone will always have a "trace" of amonia. For over a year I have always had a trace in my reef. The only changes that have occured were an addition of about 10 pounds of southdown over a 3 day period, 1 or 2 new coral frags. I do about a 7 gallon water change every week and a half using ro/di water mixed with Instant Ocean salt. Kalk to maintain calcium, never need to add anything to maintain the PH or raise it. I add a PH mix (i don't remember which one perfect 8.4 or something like that) to the new water for water changes. I am trying to use the Kent Pro-buffer dkh to raise the Alk. Following the directions by adding every day until I get the Alk that I want.
The test kit is new and I have been using the Kent Pro-buffer for about 10 days now and still only get a 1.7 reading on the tests. I used to have a great 3.6 as a min. I don't know what is going on but it is starting to affect some of my corals.
Thanks for all your input.


Active Member
Hey Naso,
Just a thought here.
When you mix your Kalk, do you gently stir it up with a spoon and let it settle, or mix with a powerhead or airstone ?
Also, as you probably already know, you do not want to dose the sediment that forms at the bottom of your kalk solution.
This stuff is a mixture of calcium carbonate ( from the CO2 in the air ) and unmixed calcium hyroxide kalk powder. This sediment if added to your tank can cause a decline in alkalinity.
Good luck - hope you figure this out soon.


Hey Broomer, good to hear from you again. No, none of the film from the top nor the crud on the bottom gets used or remixed when it is applied to the sump. I do however, have a large buildup of ditritus in the bottom of the sump. Got some large hermits in the sump to eat everything possible but you know stuff still builds up in there regardless. I know that stuff is being broken down because there are no nitrites and just a hint of nitrates. This is really weird!.
Oh well.
On another note, just re-visited your site. Tank looks great :cool: . What kind of lighting do you have??


Active Member
The 30 is still up and running well. It's has a 96 watt CSL pc unit on it.
The 55 reef is no more. Got a 75 up now, and hope to have some updated pics on my site.
My site's really kinda sucky right now :( but I hope to work on that someday soon too.
Still thinking about your original question on low alk.
See ya ;)