Originally Posted by reefmate75
i bought a RBTAs from a local provider for 40 bucks, he had had it a year and it had never split for him and he dosent care for any anemones, i had it for maybe 6 months now and i have 5 RBT anemones, i feed mine DAYLY and my clowns will also feed them, the guy i got mine from never feed it at all but it was quite large and when you feed them they grow fast, and split readly...i reccomend feeding if your looking to sell them... if you just wanted one for your clown fish dont feed, or it will eather grow or split, and if you have other corals in the tank getting alot of them isnt ideal anyhow.... proper light is all they need to live and even grow slowly, so the answer to your question would have to be with another question...do you want more of them/or larger, then yes, if you just want the one then dont feed it
i said local provider i should have said coral farmer...i work with the guy at his day job thats how i met him...hes a good guy, i offered to give him the frist split back sence he sold it to me for so cheap and he gave me 4 corals for it...