Another Clown


I have a purple firesfish, small chromis, six line wrasse, and a lawnmower blenny, and of course a clownfish. I would like the clown to have a "buddy" the buddy I bought for him when I got him was defecective or he had something wrong with his gills. It was werid. Well could I get another?


I need more information. First of all, what kind of clownfish do you already have? I'm guessing it's false percula. If that's the case. How long has it been since his "buddy" died? How big is your clownfish today? There is a possibility that you can. But give us more info. I'll be happy to help you.


Active Member
the sixline and the blenny are not small fish.
the firefish is skittish and likes to swim likely.
the chromis and clownfish may be small but will grow.
do i understand right these 5 are in a 29 gal tank and you are looking to add another fish? spend your money on a bigger tank! ;)