I have a mated wild caught pair of Black Saddle Clowns. They are gorgeous! The female had some stress for a month or so. See, I also have 1 wild caught Pink Skunk in the same tank. So, they were arguing over the 5 anemone that are in there. So I bought a large White Sebae. After only 2 days, she moved to it, away from the Skunks 4 anemone, and wa'la, no more stress! The pair are very close, but like my Husband w/the on demand movies, she sleeps very well in the White Sebae, and he sleeps in the largest and closest Bubble tip to her. If the mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! (oh, and I do think that the perfect bed makes all the difference!) No eggs yet but I am hoping that I may be close to being a Grandma!