Another Cyno Problem


Was wondering about this problem im having. How can Cyno grow in a super flow area?! is this possible? maybe it not cyno heres a pic of my Nano

Tank readings
Ammonia - Undetectable
Nitrate - 0.3 mgl
Nitrite - 0
PH - 8.2 to 8.5
temp 26C


its been 4 months and i am using tap water. never had this problem before the thing literally spread over night. should i just let it be? how do i get rid of it....maybe u can point out a thread cant seem to find one :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by mojohoojo
its been 4 months and i am using tap water. never had this problem before the thing literally spread over night. should i just let it be? how do i get rid of it....maybe u can point out a thread cant seem to find one :)
Phosphates can take a while to build up in your system. I am guessing the tap water is your issue. If you have the means and the resources I would start using RO or RO/DI.


that would be my first guess aswell is the tap water. I dont know what you guys regs for water is but here in the states it lets alot of things go through that IMO shouldnt I dont drink or cook with the tap water here I use RO water for EVERYTHING>


ummm.....the tap water in is pretty good actually we use it for drinking and cooking as well. The most it may contain in Chlorines apart from that we never have any issue people dying or getting ill from it. So lets say i change to RO/DI water...will the algae keep growing?.....maybe i'll invest in a RO/DI unit, i'll check it out tmrw. Thanks for the help :)


it will still grow alittle bit until it has used the nutrients that are in the water.
I assumed you are from somewhere other than the US because of your location KK, Sabah I dont know what type of filtration methods are used in Malaysia but here they use chlorine, and other chemicals which are safe for human consumption but not for a closed tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mojohoojo
ummm.....the tap water in is pretty good actually we use it for drinking and cooking as well. The most it may contain in Chlorines apart from that we never have any issue people dying or getting ill from it. So lets say i change to RO/DI water...will the algae keep growing?.....maybe i'll invest in a RO/DI unit, i'll check it out tmrw. Thanks for the help :)
Syphon what you can out, possibly run some chem pure or some other type of phosphate absorber, and switch to RO Water. Providing you are not over feeding it should clear up, but it may take a month or 2.