Another Duster question...


Need some advice, folks..
This morning I awoke to find a feather duster COMPLETELY OUT OF ITS HOME...Now this is kinda wierd, but the shell where he usualy comes out of was still attached to the rock, but the worm part (orangeish brown) was just laying (kinda curled up) on the sand. I checked ammonia and it is high (.25), while yesterday it was 0. I removed the worm for safety sake, and plan a 20% change this afternoon. Did I do the right thing by removing the duster or is this common behavior?


Active Member
no its not, but if the duster died, then that could be where the ammonia rise is from (but seems alot for a lil worm in that short of a time)


I thought .25 in a 24 hour period was pretty quick too...But its only a 20 gallon tank...Its actually nate_j's tank, but he is at school today, and I didnt want to wait for him to get home...i know how delicate the smaller tanks can be. I looked around in the tank some more, and the only other non-living thing I could find was some blue legged skeletons (from a molt I presume, cause they were totally empty, no tissue at all, but I removed them too, just for good measure). From what I can tell the worm is the only thing out of place. Now, we did add a piece of live rock on friday (cured, according to the LFS (I knew better, should have cured it myself)) but I have seen no visable dyoff.