another egg crate question


i want to get rid of the glass top on a 20L tank, but the egg crate i find at home depot/lowes is too big. Not big as in 4 foot long, but the holes are too big. Anyone know where i can find smaller sized holes for the egg crate? This isnt a tank with corals or anything, so the lighting isnt an issue. The fish are just escape masters so i need the holes small.


Active Member
with the eggcrate from home depot, i dont see how ur fish can get out. they would hv to jump through the hole perfectly to escape.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
i want to get rid of the glass top on a 20L tank, but the egg crate i find at home depot/lowes is too big. Not big as in 4 foot long, but the holes are too big. Anyone know where i can find smaller sized holes for the egg crate? This isnt a tank with corals or anything, so the lighting isnt an issue. The fish are just escape masters so i need the holes small.
Agree with nycbob, pretty tough for fish to get through egg crate, but if you think its an issue and light isn't a problem you could ziptie a fiberglass mesh to the top of the eggcrate.


Originally Posted by nycbob
with the eggcrate from home depot, i dont see how ur fish can get out. they would hv to jump through the hole perfectly to escape.
the tank is freshwater. The fish are about the size of a neon goby. The holes on the eggcrate are way too big.
you could ziptie a fiberglass mesh to the top of the eggcrate.
thanks, i'll look into this.


Well-Known Member
the fiberglass mesh he's talking about might be called "patio screening" for 100yards of it, it costs like $6. Like he said, zip tie it to the top of the egg crate and your good to go!