Another fish with a sebae clown?


Currently, in my 10 gal tank, I have a sebae clownfish and a yellow tail blue damsel. I was thinking on replacing the damsel with something else. Does anyone has any suggestions? My lfs told me that I am limited to two fishes, that's why I want to replace the damsel with another fish.
Can I put another clown in there? I love clownfishes. I am just too affraid that another one will bully the other. I was thinking on getting a false percula or tomato. Once my lfs told me that I cannot, today they said that I can. So now I'm asking you guys, can I?
The next question is not a very good one. Can I have more than two fishes in my tank? :D I know my lfs already told me that two is max, and I also know the rule about the inches for every gallons, but still can I? The tank just seems too empty :rolleyes:. Or can I add like snails, crabs, shrimps, or even feather dusters instead?
Thanks :D
i know what you mean about the tank looking empty. you can add another, i mean it is possible but i dont recomend it. it is a small tank and you are already pushing it with two clownfishes. you should add snails, shrimps, or a feather duster. if lighting is good enough mushrooms.


Wow, a 10 gallon is tiny for fish. You have to understand that these fish were used to having a whole ocean to themselves. They will become way too territorial in a tiny 10 gallon tank. Fish you could add would be a small goby. Why don't you try to see if you can obtain a tank bred one? I think your lfs gave you good advice but there are ALWAYS exceptions...