Another Fish?

Hello, It's been a while, but I need everyone's help again. Based on the tank info below, does anyone perceive a problem with adding another fish to the mix? If you were to add a fish, what would it be? Many thanks.
I have a 75 gallon IFS tank (10 of the gallons form the filtration chambers sealed off in the back of the tank. Established in Feb 2002; pretty much perfect levels. It has probably 60 to 80 pounds of very purple, healthy live rock, live sand (but no DSB), skimmer, sterilizer, crabs, snails and shrimp (and all sorts of other little creatures and hitchers). The fish in the tank are a 2 and 1/2-inch tomato clown, a four inch (tops) exquisite wrasse, a four inch (tops) yelloweye kole tang and a small pink-lipped blenny. All the fish get along fine, with the exception of the kole tang chasing the blenny or other fish around every once in a while.


Active Member
the tank and teh clown can be kinda agressive. you said your tank was a IFS tank, what does that stand for? also do you have any corals inverts, etc, and are you planning on keeping any of these in the future? a nice addition would be like ra flame hawk, a royal gramma, theres lots of peaceful reef fish out there, it just depends on what you are looking for and how much you are willing to spend!
good lluck


Active Member
Internal Filtration System, or something like it, I reckon. Like many acrylic tanks which have a wet/dry built into the back of it.
Can you be more specific on "pretty much perfect" levels? assuming 0 on amm, nitrite, but how about nitrate, pH, alk?
With your kole tang already chasing things around, and because IMO, it is too small for another- a tang is definitely out. I would rule out any other relatively sizeable fish, IMO.
Thanks ophiura, you got IFS right; all levels are perfect except for (you guessed it) nitrate, which is always around 10. BTW, at what ppm level will 'trates really start to impact (or, worse yet, kill) inverts, such as a Sally Lightfoot Crab?