Another Hitchhiker ID Needed


First, sorry, I can not include a picture of this thing. It cam on the LR I put in the tank, and lives in a hole in the rock. It only comes out when it is dark and apprears to be some kind of worm, maybe. It is about 3/16 of an inch in diameter and most of it is kind of flesh colored. Out of the very end is a dark gray/black extention. If you shine a light on it it will very quickly fold back into itself and then back into the hole in the rock. Any ideas what it is?


Thanks! I did a search on Peanut Worm and I think you are right. It is hard to get a good look at him since he doesn't come out in the light, and when it is dark and you shine a light on him he pulls himself in very quickly. But, he is getting more use to us now and does not rectract as quickly as he use to. Maybe someday I will get a good look at him. Who would have thought I would have a peanut worm in my tank?