Another Hurricane?


Active Member
I heard that another hurricane is coming to west palm beach... Where I live. Do you think I should get a generator (sp)?I hope nothing happens.


You may want to pick one up if you can, they are pretty good to have around anyway. At the very least try to pick up a few battery powered airators (like people use in live wells) to help out with your livestock-they run on D batteries usually, so keep a lot of them on hand. We were out of power for 10 days and we were able to keep everybody alive with a couple of airators, minnimal feedings and water changes (fish got the bottled water, we just drank the warm beer, it seemed to work out well for everybody). Good luck, hopefully we will be spared this time. :nervous:


Active Member
lemme tell you after being chased by Charley and it changing to a cat 4 in 30 minutes AND changing drastic course all in very little time........I would do everything possible to ready yourself for anything. The stores probably have replenished their stocks and you still have a little time.
Oceanview is right at the very least get a battery operated airator and maybe a few battery operated hand fans if it starts to heat up. AND lots of batteries :D
Be safe!!


I did small water changes twice during our 10 day outage because I had no filtration and I was attempting to maintain a half-way decent environment for them (keep waste/ammonia levels down and keep the temp from creeping dangerously high)...I was trying to be pro-active because I sure didn't want to lose anybody. I have had them all for to long to lose them because of a storm. Good Luck, looks like we are gonna get to try it all over again... :eek:


Active Member
haha ya..this sucks i hate hurricanes i want to move! and my parents are telling me lets drive some where and i told them that i couldnt take the fishtank so i think its better if we stay and wait it out :D i couldnt leave them behind! so ammonia is caused by fish poop, what if i dont feed him the day the hurricane comes? i only have 1 fish in the 20g so im still not sure if i should do water changes and how much gallons and how many times. but i did get a airstone and some one told me to put it at the top of the water?


Active Member
just being through Charley's evacuation....I would not wait until the last minute to leave. Unfortunately, and sadley you will have to accept what could happend with the power outages.
Even if you were allowed back a few days after it hits, you will probably still be without power. Mandatory is mandatory and it for your safety. We evacuated from Charley and were told to go to the Orlando area :rolleyes: . Woke up Friday and they told us to leave again. During our drive up 75 most hotels were sold out and we unded up in Georgia. Finally decided to head to Atlanta and have our flights changed.
Just do everything you can to the tank before you leave, but if this thing doesn't drop anchor soon or at least change direction somewhat its not going to be good.
Be safe!!