Another I.D. just because it is interesting.


Active Member
This "creature" is on a small chunk of living rock that a mushroom came on and finally opened if that is the word for it. Looks like some kind filter feeder with several mouths that open even further through the course of the day. Almost reminds me of a clam without a shell or something. Anyway as usual I have not been able to I.D. it and am curious as to what it might be. Thanks in advance, I have really enjoyed my time on the forum so far and all the knowledge that can be had by reading the posts.


Active Member
That is indeed interesting, I had no idea that sponges had mouths or whatever it is that are capable of moving, always thought they were static display only. There are also some tiny feather duster looking things in the pic, but I am guessing they are good for the tank.


Active Member
Hi, look dead center at the pic and slightly up and to the right is what I am asking about there is another at the bottom of center. The lighter color slits seem to be mouths and they open during the day and close at night. It has not moved at all from where it started.


Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Hi, look dead center at the pic and slightly up and to the right is what I am asking about there is another at the bottom of center. The lighter color slits seem to be mouths and they open during the day and close at night. It has not moved at all from where it started.
they are feather dusters or tube worms of some sort i think...


Active Member
Yes those do look like little feather dusters, but the greenish thing next to them is what I submitted for an I.D. It is alive and very strange.