Another Lighting Question


New Member
Currently on my 29 gallon reef tank I have two 55 watt PC's but I am considering uprgrading my lights. The PC's are a JBJ make and they are coming upon their one year birthday and I feel that they are loosing their wave lengths and power. Plus the fans in the hood have already died. So I am thinking of uprgrading to a retrofit system of 2 VHO's. This will give me a total wattage of 150 watts, right? But anyways my question is...if i do get this new lighting system what should the two bulbs be? Should I get one actinic and one daylight 10k? I was thinking of getting one actinic and one 50/50 because I kinda like the blue look in reefs. My only fear is that it would be too blue and make the tank look artificially tacky. Please help me decide what lighting coloration to go with and if possible post pics of how ur tanks look if you have either of these lighting configurations. Thanx.


Active Member
Well I would see if you can buy VHO bulbs from a lfs near you. Then buy a 10k, s actinic, and a 50/50. Take them home and see which set up you like the most then return the other bulb.