I did a search for this, but couldn't find this peticular question. I'm about to get a lot of live rock (40lbs.) It's cured, so is there anything I need to do before I throw it in there? Thanks.
Hi Coop21, I'm new to this too. I did some reading on cured rock myself. If it is being shipped to you than you must cure it again. It said because there will be an initial die-off of bacteria. Someone corrct me if i'm wrong, I'm still new.
If it is a new tank then put it in the tank with filters and powerheads running and your tank will go through a short cycle 7 to 14 days.
If you already have fish then you need to store the rock outside of your tank in salt water with a powerhead and heater and add about 5 pounds per week to your tank so you don't send it into a cycle