Another Mystery--Possibly a starfish


I don't have a picture, sorry, it was out that long. What I saw was three long legs or tentacles. They were coming out of a hole in the rock. The legs were white and smooth, unlike a brittle star. Each leg was 2-3 inches. They "unfurled" like a fern would. I noticed red stripes on one of the legs. I went to dinner, came back and it wasn't out anymore. I have looked at hitchhiker pictures and it is still a mystery to me.
Does it sound like some star or something




so, it is coming out of the same spot, at feeding time. It unfurls this white and red leg(or tentacle). It is smooth and about 2-3 inches. Earlier I have seen other legs, but today only one. Any ideas?


Active Member
If there's only two legs, it's some kind of harmless worm. I don't recall the name for it, but I have about fifty in my tank. They're harmless filter feeders, if I'm right.


Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
If there's only two legs, it's some kind of harmless worm. I don't recall the name for it, but I have about fifty in my tank. They're harmless filter feeders, if I'm right.
I have those, this is different. I saw three legs, and it has red markings on it.


Active Member
Could be a mini brittle star? Maybe it moves around at night, and goes back to its hole in the day. Check with a flashlight after the lights go out, but then again I thought they had spiny legs so I could be wrong again. Hopefully someone else will chip in.


Originally Posted by renogaw
look up spionid worm
Thanks! I think you are right. It rarely comes out, under the lights anyway. I searched images and found some very similar to mine. They were still referred to as unidentified spionid worms, but almost identical.