Another "new" stranger in the tank, Can anyone help ID??

I like to check on my tank a few hours after
lights-out (I guess its just the parent in me) and tonight I found a crab hiding in a rock, its a small I wanna say 6legs with 2 front claws and beady little red eyes its kinda purpleish/grey in color. Anyone have any Idea what it may be?? :rolleyes:


Does it have hairy legs?I had an unidentified crab a while ago.It was dark purple and brown evil looking eyes and very hairy.He ate part of my chilli pepper!!!


The one that was in my tank when I first discovered it wasn't too big and only came out at night.As it got bigger,which didn't take long,it came out more often.It took over my Bettas bed area by taking a chunk of his fin and it picked off pieces of my pepper!!!Get it out.It will hurt your tank.