Another Newbie


Just wanted to finally say Hi to everyone. I have been lurking for a few weeks now, just trying to absorb it all. I am in the process of setting up my first salt water tank and still have miles to go in the learning process! It's been really fun and interesting. And this site has helped tremendously. I'll probably be asking lots of questions in the coming weeks and months! To give you an idea what I have, so far its a 46 gallon aquarium and 20 lbs of live rock. I set it up this past weekend and I can't wait to start adding fish. I think I am going fish only for now...I may try something else later on once I get a better feel for what I'm doing!


Well-Known Member
welcome and I am glad you were lurking before taking the plunge.
You might do some reading if you haven't already.
I know it is hard but wait for that first fish, but wait until the nitrItes and ammonia are 0.0. and wait at least three weeks before adding fish. that will let the fish borne parasites die out for lack of a host fish. In my experience this will be the only three week period without any fish for a very long time.
Also, I recommend you get a good growth of macro alge going right now. this will complete the cycle, filter out all kinds of stuff, buffer ph and generally make for a balanced, stable system. And it will reduce or eliminate the ugly algaes.
For a first fish I recommend you use a plain old molly. And that you don't feed him for the first week.
Again welcome to this board and saltwater.


Thanks already for the assistance. I've been lucky that I have a friend who has been helping me...he keeps me from messing things up too bad! And I am being careful not to rush the fish. I am just really excited...this is something I have wanted to do for years. I look forward to all the tips and advice you can give! Thanks again!


Active Member
Kip-LOL! you crack me up!
Welcome AquaFox, sounds like you are on your way. I recommend a live sandbed and 1-2lbs of LR per gallon and I also recommend cycling with cocktail shrimp, no need to put a fish through a cycling tank, and it is a huge pain in the butt to catch fish out of a tank filled with LR. I have a 46gal reef and I have about 90lbs of LR in it.


seems like everytime a newbie joins the board and talks about getting their tank set-up, the whole molly v shrimp argument starts. Perhaps the moderators can find a healthy discussion on the pros and cons of each way to cycle and post it at the top so we don't have to rehash what a bad idea it is to cycle a tank with a molly (poke poke poke):D


AquaFox .Welcome to the board. The one thing that you will learn form this board is to research the livestock that you want to add to the tank BEFORE you add it that way you will know what to expect when you get it home. There have been a few times I thought I wanted a certain fish or invert then researched it and found out I didn't really want it . This has saved me and my tank alot of trouble..:D


I definitely agree with you there CB...I have been doing research and lots of it! I can see that every fish has its own individual requirements and they are not always compatible with your equipment or each other. So far I am considering this combination: a Tomato Clown, a Porcupine Puffer, and a Lionfish. I will try to get all similar sizes (fairly small to start) and from my research so far I am hoping they will get along. I know the Lionfish is probably the most aggressive and I will wait to get him last...if I don't talk myself out of it first. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I have my heart set on the clown and the puffer but I am open to other options. Also, I have heard that it is bad to have any shrimp in a tank with these fish but what about star fish or other primarily bottom dwellers? Anyone have any thoughts there? I am very open to assistance and suggestions...I get very attached to my pets, no matter what species and I don't want any problems that could be avoided....