another one?


I have 3 fish in a 20g long. The ammonia is close to 0, the ph is 8.2, no nitrates or nitrites, and no protien. A false perc, a PJ cardinal, and a yellow goby. the goby just chills in a cave with the pistol shrimp. Are these circumstances good for another inhabitant? or am i gonna wake up to find my fish dead?:scared:


Active Member
If you add another small fish you may not find them dead the next morning or anything, but I would advise against adding more. They all need their own space too.

jimmy g

your ammonia has to be at 0 all the cant go up at all or your tank will crash. Dont add anything untill you get your ammonia at 0...not almost 0


another goby? doesnt sound very good. they barely get enough food as it is. the pistol hogs it all.
PS. nice avatar Jimmy

tru conch

Active Member
i would do a water change and test your water after the change. if the levels are straight, then you can add aonther fish. (a small one though)