another powerhead?


right now have 1 penguin powerhead @ 300gph in my 55 gal (FOWLR) ... is this sufficient or should I look into getting another?
From what I've seen posted, 10 times your gallons is the rule of thumb (i.e. 550 GPH for a 55 gal). Not sure if this much is as critical for a FO set up, but I believe it is for a reef set up.


6 times per hour is good for FO, 10 being for a reef setup. 300 is probably just fine, but if you have LR in the tank you would be well off to make sure that the circulation is concentrated in the area of the LR. In any case, it would be an improvement to add a small power head (less than 150 gph) opposite your other power head, this will break up the direction of the flow and cause a random current, always a good thing.