Another Prism question


I have only seen pictures of the prism but a lot of people swear by it. my only question is the collection cup and emptying it. it lloks like you need to completely turn the skimmer off, remove the whole thing from your tank to empty it. Is this correct or does the collection cup come off and the skimmer can remain on?????????
Thinking of getting one due to the size and popularity.
The unit must be turned off to remove the collection cup from the skimmer. (I simply unplug mine.) The actual skimmer itself remains on the tank and in place. The siphon is not interrupted however, and you can simply put the cup back on after cleaning, turn it on, and away you go.
I have been a big fan of this skimmin little dude. I still am, six months later.


Active Member
I agree with hermit. I've had this skimmer for about six weeks and am quite impressed with the job it does! It's easy to maintain and the collection cup IS easy to remove and empty. HTH


Staff member
You don't have to turn the skimmer off if you don't want to, as I never wanted to cause its a hassle to get to the plug behind my tank. You can reduce the intake of water flow by closing the valve [remember your position however, so you don't have to re-ajust the skimmer water flow]. I suppose you could also hook this skimmer up to its own power stip that has an on-off switch and place it in a convenient location, so you can flip the switch that way.