another pump question, mag drives


i told my LFS owner yesterday that i was thinking of getting new pumps, my current set up seems loud. he told me that MAG DRIVE pumps heat water too much....anyone else hear of this??? i'm currently running (2) supreme mag drive 500gph pumps for my 90 gal show tank and 20 gal refuge. any input greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by NigerBang
I have a Mag18...quiet as can heat issues that I have noticed..

Same pump, same opinion.

fish pimp

New Member
ive noticed on my mag 9 that it raised the temp of my tank a few degrees i dont even have to run a heater on my 90 gal it stays a constant 82 degrees all day long and the room temp in my house is between 68-73 degrees all day long


Active Member
Heard this as well... usually from LFS owners who want to sell fancy, high dollar (read: high profit) external pumps. I have run them as main return pumps before, and I did and still currently run them on my skimmers. Never a problem in either case.
On my 55 reef I recently removed my Mag 9.5 and replaced it with a Iwaki 40RLT only to free up sump space and get more flow. In doing so I noticed no change in the temperature. I then added a new skimmer with the 9.5 as it's dedicated pump, and again noticed no change.