New Member
Hello everyone im new to the board and had a question about clown trigs,i wouldve ask on the other post but it looked like it got out of hand.Well i had one for a little over a year in a 150g before Katrina hit the gulf coast and ive set up a new 150 and i was thinking of getting another,i know they are very aggresive fish but there are a few that you can keep with him.I had mine (little over 6in)with a halequin tusk,saddle grouper,and a clown grouper.No problems with them for over a year.I quess you just have to keep something fast cause he couldnt catch them,and just to let it be known he killed quiet a few fish before i got it right,so he was aggresive.But anyway what i wanted to know is if a Queen trigger and a large puffer will compatible with a med. size clown,i hear the queen are very aggresive and will hold there own but not sure cause i never owned one,This is what i want my stock list to be:1clown trig,1queen trig,1 large blue puffer and maybe a halequin tusk if it dont seem to crowded,any help will be very appreciated.