Another question abot clown triggers??


New Member
Hello everyone im new to the board and had a question about clown trigs,i wouldve ask on the other post but it looked like it got out of hand.Well i had one for a little over a year in a 150g before Katrina hit the gulf coast and ive set up a new 150 and i was thinking of getting another,i know they are very aggresive fish but there are a few that you can keep with him.I had mine (little over 6in)with a halequin tusk,saddle grouper,and a clown grouper.No problems with them for over a year.I quess you just have to keep something fast cause he couldnt catch them,and just to let it be known he killed quiet a few fish before i got it right,so he was aggresive.But anyway what i wanted to know is if a Queen trigger and a large puffer will compatible with a med. size clown,i hear the queen are very aggresive and will hold there own but not sure cause i never owned one,This is what i want my stock list to be:1clown trig,1queen trig,1 large blue puffer and maybe a halequin tusk if it dont seem to crowded,any help will be very appreciated.


Originally Posted by rivieraduec
Hello everyone im new to the board and had a question about clown trigs,i wouldve ask on the other post but it looked like it got out of hand.Well i had one for a little over a year in a 150g before Katrina hit the gulf coast and ive set up a new 150 and i was thinking of getting another,i know they are very aggresive fish but there are a few that you can keep with him.I had mine (little over 6in)with a halequin tusk,saddle grouper,and a clown grouper.No problems with them for over a year.I quess you just have to keep something fast cause he couldnt catch them,and just to let it be known he killed quiet a few fish before i got it right,so he was aggresive.But anyway what i wanted to know is if a Queen trigger and a large puffer will compatible with a med. size clown,i hear the queen are very aggresive and will hold there own but not sure cause i never owned one,This is what i want my stock list to be:1clown trig,1queen trig,1 large blue puffer and maybe a halequin tusk if it dont seem to crowded,any help will be very appreciated.
hell yea it would work,just get a little 1 .she will be fine, but everyone will disagree!! and also it will be overstocked in there eyes 2

ledzep fan

Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
hell yea it would work,just get a little 1 .she will be fine, but everyone will disagree!! and also it will be overstocked in there eyes 2
I'm sorry, but im going to have to disagree with you. These fish are going to get pretty big, and in that size tank, they will be over crowded fast. Sure, he could get them small and have them for a very short period of time, but is that what he really wants? If it were me I would only get one trigger and and few other fish to accomedate him. Other wise he will have to upgrade to a much bigger aquarium or get rid of the fish. That is JMO though. Not bashing what you said either.