Another question about Qt's


Should the QT be up and running even after the display tank has been set up and run for a few months with all the fish, rocks etc, and there are no illnesses? Provided of course that there aren't any additions planned...
IMO I would keep it up and running just in case you have to use it on one of your "existing " fishies..... OR if you DO decide to get another fish, it will be all cycled and ready... A lot of the time things happen when you dont expext it to and having it ready... you are prepared!
Less stress for you and fish... just my opinion, Kim


Staff member
Totally up to you. If its not a hassle to keep one up and running, then go ahead and do it. However, if its a burdon, or its in the way, then take it down. Just know that there is a chance that you will need it in an emergency [certainly not as likely to happen now that you've QTed your fish] and then need to quickly address getting it set up.