Another quick poll on numbers


Wow, after the temp poll, I realized I've been keeping my tank too cold at 75 deg F. I've since up-ed it to 26.6 deg C (80 deg F).
What are your other numbers for
Mine are
pH 8.1 to 8.2
Alkalinity 4.0
Calcium 325ppm
All others like ammonia and nitrites are 0. Nitrates however, vary from 0 to 50.


Active Member
My tank is kept a 79 degrees (F). Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are always at zero, because I'm a freak about water quality...
PH however is on the lowside, always between 7.7-8.1, but with no ill effects.
Alkalinity:8-10 dkh
Calcium:about 380-420 mg
Specific Gravity: 1.026


Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are all 0. This week is the first time I've ever had 0 nitrates! Ph was around 8-8.2. Didn't have my calcium oralkalinity tests this week, but they are always pretty good. I've finally figured out how to keep my temp around 79-80.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
specific gravity - 1.025

mmmmm, sounds like I may need to up my specific gravity a bit.


Active Member
Yep, for sure. A specific gravity of 1.025 is closer to where it is in the ocean. It has been proven thay fish, inverts, and corals do better when kept at natural levels.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
pH - 8.2
dkH - 11 (3.93 alkalinity)
calcium - 460
temperature - 80.9 F
specific gravity - 1.025
I try and keep mine around here as well But I do not test verry offten. Maybe once a month unless somthing just don't look right then I will do a full test. So my ? for everyone that has had a tank set up for over a year how often do you see any trouble when you do these test I only have soft corals and only do water changes I never do any supl. any longer I do check the sg on my water change water I change 10% every thursday