another red slime question


I used well water to do a 10 gallon water change in my 45g hex. After that I had red slime start showing up in my tank. I've cut back on my feeding, and have done 2 10g ro water changes. after doing the ro water changes the red slime decreases for a couple of days, then starts to increase again. My question is, is the bio-bale in my cpr backpack harbouring this bacteria? Ive been thinking about removing it (I have 55lbs of lr and a 4inch dsb). I don't like the idea of adding chemicals (medicine) to my tank, unless there is no alternative. So, would removing the bio-bale and doing some more water changes clear up the bacteria?
45g hex, 55lbs lr, 4"dsb, 250w Mh Ph8.2 amonia0 nitrates0 nitrites0


circulation helps, but in itself wont stop the bacteria, i tried that too when problems striked a few times. instead, just skim more, raise calcium and also PH considerably, and the cyanobacteria will stop spreading and slowly begin dying over a few days period. Believe me, in fact, most tanks that I’ve ever had it in had a low PH and too little calcium… after a few days of treatment the cyano will begin dying, if it isn’t dying raise your calcium and PH levels up more and again if needed, until you see the beginning of its demise. I did this 4 times and in 3 different tanks and it works.


also you might consider putting something into the tank that easts that kind of stuff
cucs work great! If you use well water it is going to spike you in all kinds of funn manners. for a saltwater tank RO/DI makes life much easier.


you could try a yellow-eye tang or a dragon goby.. this could help some.. also get a clean up crew.. should help keep it down.


I have 2 250gph powerheads in the tank, and the red slime seems to like the higher lighting higher waterflow areas ( there is none at the back of the tank, where there's dead spots). my Ph is 8.2 and my calcium is 475. I have about 10 hermits, about 10 snails, and a serpant star, but they don't eat at it at all. ( watched a snail go right through a patch of it, and never fazed it). Learned my lesson about the well water, and will use ro water again. (figured that one out when the bacteria started). So, how high do I need to raise the Ph? and what affect will that have on my fish and star polyps? any more suggestions?


I got some growing on a rock about 5 inches from the nozzle of a powerhead. This stuff is kinda neat because in almost disapears after the light go out, then reappears about 2hrs after they come back on. I guess this is red slime that I have??