Another stocking question


I am setting up my new 110, that is a 6 footer. I want to get a list going, so that I may aquascape accordingly. I know I want an eel, but what else and what type of eel. Let me know your ideas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefer75
I am setting up my new 110, that is a 6 footer. I want to get a list going, so that I may aquascape accordingly. I know I want an eel, but what else and what type of eel. Let me know your ideas.
In a "community" set up, I would personally consider one of 3 possible eels.
Snowflake...inexpensive, beautiful, hardy and interesting (my favorite "starter" eel)
Zebra....most passive eel most would say
Goldentail....beautiful, and manageable size, but hard to find
As far as what else....smallish Tang perhaps (yellow or kole maybe)
maybe 2 dwarf angels (Flame and Coral Beauty)
maybe a "sociable" Trigger (male Bluethroat)
What do you like?
Back to the football game.


Active Member
of my two eels - the zebra is the most impressive, but hides 90% of the time (have had him for 3 mos). the SFE is coming out more and more - more daring and I see him a lot more. I've heard of zebras that come out all the time though- I think it depends on the eel you get. the zebra is definitely verrry docile though.
I'm very glad I picked the striped dogface puffer out of all the puffers I looked at. awesome fish.


Thanks for the info guys, I think the list is as follows
Zebra eel
Male bluethroat trigger
flame angel
yellow tang
dogface puffer
What do you all think?


Active Member
sounds like a winner, be sure to include a good skimmer. Out of curiosity what are the dimensions of the tank?